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Podprto s sredstvi Programa ACF v Sloveniji 2014–2021

Feel anorxia

About the movie...

Eating disorders are mental illnesses that are frequently misunderstood. This is mostly due to people affected's inner world, which stays concealed from the outside world.


The film depicts the protagonist's two worlds. One is exterior, brighter, and the other is interior, darker, representing her world experience as well as her thoughts and emotions.


We want to convey a glimpse inside the mind of a girl suffering from anorexia in the film. The tension between her thoughts and the voice of anorexia.


The movie depicts two stages of anorexia. The girl's descent into anorexia is depicted at the beginning, as are her interactions with the outside world and how she fits into society, her discontent with her former triumphs, and her ambition to be excellent enough in a given field to be acknowledged. In her perspective, numbers signify stability and achievement on the one hand, but also the deepest anxiety and horror on the other. She is engaged in a struggle of her own ideas, which she conceals.

The scenario shifts to eight months later, when he is having therapy at a medical center, but he is still not cured. She climbs up the medical center's steps, wondering what the point of going to the doctor is, if the physicians understand and care about her, or if they just want her to gain weight. And there is just one number that has reached the correct number.


Then he wonders about the significance of disease and being confined in his world, the world with "Ana". She examines clothing that is grotesquely too tiny for her. She is unsure if she should retain them in case she loses weight. He intends to get rid of them. She reaches a fork in the road at this point. She makes the decision that numbers will no longer govern her life. She's had enough with anorexia. She opens up as she passes from the inner realm of battle to the outside world. He strikes into a discussion with the members of the family.


In the setting of the film, "Ana" is a moniker for the mental condition anorexia. It personifies the inner voice that manifests itself in anorexia and leads to self-destructive ideas and behaviors. The secret to Anna's rehabilitation is that her inner voice is fully suppressed and repressed.

o filmu

Feelings ...

not belonging to society

She feels isolated, as if she does not belong to society or to other people. Only she is miserable in this world, while everyone else is content and joyful..

Dissatisfaction with yourself- 

Constant discontent with herself and her achievements, regardless of whether she has won every imaginable medal, cup, or achievement. She is deeply unhappy with herself and has low self-esteem. The proclivity to stand out in order to be recognized by others.

Self-control - getting caught up in numbers

She maintains strong control over herself because she fears losing control, as evidenced by her control over her weight, food, grades, exercise, and spare time.

A feeling of bad conscience

A terrible conscience, the sense that he is doing something wrong. She ate far too much. They haven't noticed her yet, or her condition; she doesn't deserve food or rest.

before losing aid

Demonstrating her fear that if she achieves her goal weight, she will lose professional treatment, particularly on a psychological level, which she still sorely requires.

A warning to specialists and family members that, despite her apparent improvement and the fact that she will soon reach her target weight, she is still far from healthy and will require professional assistance in the future.

Internal conflict-

-interweaving of two voices

The ongoing battle with the inner voice, with "Ana," on the one hand she is aware of her reality, the problems created by anorexia, and on the other hand, the inner voice of "Ana" is heard, impeding her treatment and constantly reminding her that it is not yet enough.


People with personal experiences with eating disorders, as well as their parents, assisted in the development of the scenario, with the goal of assisting others via their own experiences. Therefore, we sincerely appreciate everything they did to help make the movie.

tvoje misli

While watching the movie, express your views and experiences.

You too can join the campaign and share with others your feelings, experiences, memories and thoughts that came to you while watching the film.

Kateri občutki so se pojavili ob ogledu filma?
Vaše izkušnje z anoreksijo
Please rate from 1 to 5.
I do not understand anorexia.I am trying to understand anorexia better than I did before watching the movie.I understand anorexia the same as before.I understand anorexia better than before.I now understand the dynamics of anorexia much better than before.

After seeing the film, rate your understanding of anorexia..

Kako lahko še pripomoremo k ozaveščanju?

Thank you for sharing your feelings and opinions!

Thank you for participating in the Feelanorexia campaign!

Feel eating disorder –
with simulation to the better understandings 

The Mea Vita Institute's main goal is to aid persons suffering from eating disorders and their loved ones in a compassionate and understanding manner, as well as to create public awareness of eating disorders and their comprehension. Eating disorders are frequently misunderstood, so we aim to present them in the most accessible way to users, their families, and the wider public..

That is why we created an unusual therapeutic tool: an audio-video simulation of a person's sentiments and behaviors with special effects to aid perception of the experiences these people experience. Both their loved ones and professionals will be able to experience the life of persons suffering from anorexia by watching the movie. In this way, we hope to inspire students to acquire a stronger empathy for and understanding of persons suffering from anorexia..

o projektu

The project is divided into three stages...


The initial step was to compose a story for the film with the support of anorexic users and their relatives, and then co-produce it with the Film Factory association, screenwriter and director Urban Zorko, producer Mojca Pernat, and main protagonist Julija Klavžar.



The second is a general public campaign in which we hope to promote awareness among as many people as possible so that they can understand how a girl suffering from anorexia feels in her inner world.

On the third, we will utilize the film as a therapeutic tool with users, but it may also be used by other professionals, schools, and non-governmental groups.

Novičke o projektu

December 2022: projekt in film smo predstavili na Nacionalni ekspertni skupini za motnje hranjenja

Film prijavljamo na več filmskih festiv

April 2023:  Počaščeni smo, saj smo iz  Golden FEMI Film Festival prejeli povabilo na uradno podelitev nagrad v Sofijo, ki bo 10.junija. Izmed 2828 poslanih filmov iz 122 držav, je komisija nominirala 100 najlepših filmov, med katerimi je tudi naš film Adijo, Ana! Zdravo, Jaz! Film bo 10. junija predvajan v večih kulturnih ustanovah v Bolgariji in pred širšim evropskim občinstvom. Golden FEMI film F
estival je festival filmov, ki na ustvarjalen in kreativen način naslavljajo akutno družbeno tematiko ter vzpodbuja predvsem ženske ustvarjalke. 

Naš film "Adijo Ana. Zdravo, jaz! "ki je bil ustvarjen v okviru ACF projekta Občuti motnjo hranjenja, v koprodukciji s Film Factory in ozavešča o problematiki motenj hranjenja, je bil uvrščen med tekmovalne kratke filme na Festivalu slovenskega filma v Portorožu. Povezava

Meavita in Film Factory z režiserjem po predvajanju filma v Portorožu. Zasebni arhiv.

Projekt Občuti motnjo hranjenja se je s 30.6.2023 zaključil. V projektu je sodelovalo 20 svojcev in 16 strokovnjakov, katerim se je pomembno zvišala stopnja empatije in razumevanja osebe z anoreksijo po ogledu filma v primerjavi z razumevanjem in stopnjo empatije pred ogledom filma. 

Film je dosegel preko 1000 ljudi, splošne populacije, preko Youtube kanala Fb sporočil in obeh festivalov, ter  širšo javnost preko prispevka v Dnevniku na RTV na mednarodni dan brez diete  in 2 prispevkov na MMC. 

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